pyrosetta_help package



pyrosetta_help.colab_ops module


Raises an error if the current environment is not a notebook.

pyrosetta_help.colab_ops.get_shell_mode() str[source]

The get_ipython().__class__.__name__ is a very nasty name, this replaces it with a nicer name for humans:

  • Shell: ‘colab’

  • ZMQInteractiveShell: ‘jupyter’

  • TerminalInteractiveShell: ‘terminal’

  • None: ‘impossible’

pyrosetta_help.colab_ops.install_and_import(package_name: str, pypi_name: None | str = None, alias_name: None | str = None)[source]

This is an import / installer in case the !pip commands do not work. Which they do unless there are issues with the kernel.

If the module has a different name in pypi (pypi_name) than its import name (package_name), specify it.

pip install pypi_name import package_name as alias_name

pyrosetta_help.colab_ops.mount_google_drive(use_drive: bool) str[source]

Mount drive if needed and return the working directory. Change the working path and

Module contents