pyrosetta_help.residue_decription package


pyrosetta_help.residue_decription.betaturn module

pyrosetta_help.residue_decription.betaturn.get_betaturns(pose: Pose) Dict[int, str][source]

There is a wee problem in that alpha-helices get classified as beta-turns And I am not sure all are beta-turns…

pyrosetta_help.residue_decription.cis module

pyrosetta_help.residue_decription.cis.get_cis_residues(pose: Pose) List[int][source]

Returns the pose indices of residues in cis (omega of zero)

pyrosetta_help.residue_decription.hbonds module

class pyrosetta_help.residue_decription.hbonds.BondDataType(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

acc_atm_name: str
acc_resi: int
acc_resn: str
distance: float
don_atm_name: str
don_resi: int
don_resn: str
energy: float
pyrosetta_help.residue_decription.hbonds.get_hbond_dicts(pose: Pose) Dict[int, List[BondDataType]][source]
pyrosetta_help.residue_decription.hbonds.hbond2dict(pose: Pose, bond: HBond) BondDataType[source] module Pose) str[source]

returns a string of the SS of types H, S, L This is not the ALBEGO classifier

Module contents