pyrosetta_help.installer package

Module contents

This module is aimed at helping to install pyrosetta. If PyRosetta is installed but if it segfaults on import due to wrong GNU lib C (glic) or there’s a missing dependency that is a different matter.

pyrosetta_help.installer.check_pyrosetta() bool[source]

this will return True if

  • it is installed regardless if it segfaults or there’s a missing dependency

  • something called pyrosetta has been loaded, including a Mock

pyrosetta_help.installer.download_pyrosetta(username: None | str = None, password: None | str = None, path: str = '.', hash_comparison_required: bool = True, on_preexisting: str = 'return') str[source]

path is wither it is saved. on_preexisting can be ‘return’, ‘raise’, ‘delete’ or ‘ignore’ (& download anyway).

pyrosetta_help.installer.get_latest_release_url(username: str, password: str, wheel: bool = True, hash_comparison_required: bool = True) str[source]

Doing pip install xx:xxx@ results in authetical loop drama in following the 302.

pyrosetta_help.installer.get_os_name() str[source]
pyrosetta_help.installer.install_pyrosetta(username: None | str = None, password: None | str = None, path: str = '.', hash_comparison_required: bool = True) int[source]

If there’s a folder in path with PyRosetta release it will install that.

If username and password arent provided the evironmental variables PYROSETTA_USERNAME or PYROSETTA_PASSWORD are used. It checks to see if hashes of the password is correct or the Rosetta one.


Parse command line arguments -h for help.
