Source code for pyrosetta_help.colab_ops

import os
from typing import Optional
import importlib

__all__ = ['get_shell_mode', 'assert_notebook', 'mount_google_drive', 'install_and_import']

[docs]def get_shell_mode() -> str: """ The ``get_ipython().__class__.__name__`` is a very nasty name, this replaces it with a nicer name for humans: * ``Shell``: 'colab' * ``ZMQInteractiveShell``: 'jupyter' * TerminalInteractiveShell: 'terminal' * None: 'impossible' """ # get_ipython is a standard libary in ipython, but not script from IPython import get_ipython shell_name = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ nicer_names = {'Shell': 'colab', 'ZMQInteractiveShell': 'jupyter', 'TerminalInteractiveShell': 'terminal', None: 'impossible'} if shell_name in nicer_names: return nicer_names[shell_name] else: return shell_name
[docs]def assert_notebook(): """ Raises an error if the current environment is not a notebook. """ shell_name: str = get_shell_mode() if shell_name not in ('colab', 'jupyter'): raise RuntimeError(f'This is a colabs notebook. Why are you running it in {shell_name}?')
[docs]def mount_google_drive(use_drive: bool) -> str: """ Mount drive if needed and return the working directory. Change the working path and """ # ## Use drive? modality: str = get_shell_mode() if modality != 'colab': # jupyter --> stay return './' elif use_drive: from google.colab import drive # noqa the module google cannot be installed by mere mortals AFAIK drive.mount('/content/drive') path = '/content/drive/MyDrive' os.chdir(path) return path else: # --> stay return '/content'
[docs]def install_and_import(package_name: str, pypi_name: Optional[str] = None, alias_name: Optional[str] = None): """ This is an import / installer in case the !pip commands do not work. Which they do unless there are issues with the kernel. If the module has a different name in pypi (`pypi_name`) than its import name (`package_name`), specify it. pip install pypi_name import package_name as alias_name """ # I will go to hell for this, but shmeh: from pip._internal.cli.main import main as pip_main if pypi_name is None: pypi_name = package_name if alias_name is None: alias_name = package_name try: importlib.import_module(package_name) except ImportError as error: if != package_name: # these are not the droids we are looking for raise ImportError(f'Import of {package_name} requires module {}...', pip_main(['install', pypi_name]) globals()[alias_name] = importlib.import_module(package_name)