Source code for pyrosetta_help.per_atom


from typing import (Optional, Tuple, Dict)

import pyrosetta
import warnings

[docs]class AtomicInteractions: """ Gets the per atom energies for the per_atom. >>> ai = AtomicInteractions(pose, 1) # noqa - pose residue index 1 >>> print(ai.describe_best()) >>> ai.per_atom[(' N ', 2, ' N ')] Unfortunately, bonding is not taken into account therefore the total is more favourable as these are ignored. >>>, ai.expected_total """ score_types = ['fa_atr', 'fa_rep', 'fa_sol', 'fa_elec'] term_relevance_cutoff = 0.5
[docs] def __init__(self, pose: pyrosetta.Pose, target_idx: int, threshold: int = 3, scorefxn: Optional[pyrosetta.ScoreFunction] = None, weighted: bool = True, halved: bool = False): # --- input self.pose = pose self.target_idx = target_idx self.target_residue = self.pose.residue(self.target_idx) assert self.target_residue, f'{self.target_idx} not in pose' self.threshold = threshold if scorefxn is None: self.scorefxn = pyrosetta.get_fa_scorefxn() # noqa else: self.scorefxn = scorefxn self.weighted = weighted stm = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreTypeManager() get_weights = lambda name: self.scorefxn.get_weight(stm.score_type_from_name(name)) if not weighted: self.weights = {name: 1. for name in self.score_types} else: self.weights = {name: get_weights(st_name) for name, st_name in zip(self.score_types, ['fa_atr', 'fa_rep', 'fa_sol', 'fa_elec'])} self.halved = halved # --- derived self.neighbors = self._get_neighbors() # ResidueVector self.interactions = self._get_interactions() # Dict[Tuple(str, int, str), Dict[str, float]]
def _get_interactions(self) -> Dict[Tuple[str, int, str], Dict[str, float]]: interactions = {} ratio = 2 if self.halved else 1 # Iterate per target residue's atom per all other residues' atoms for i in range(1, self.target_residue.natoms() + 1): if self.target_residue.atom_type(i).element() == 'X': continue iname = self.target_residue.atom_name(i) interactions[iname] = {} for r in self.neighbors: # noqa if r == self.target_idx: continue other = self.pose.residue(r) interactions[iname][r] = {} for o in range(1, other.natoms() + 1): oname = other.atom_name(o) if r == self.target_idx and o == i: continue # self to self should be zero...! elif other.atom_type(o).element() == 'X': continue score = pyrosetta.toolbox.atom_pair_energy.etable_atom_pair_energies(self.target_residue, i, other, o, self.scorefxn) # per_atom[iname][r][oname] = dict(zip(score_types, score)) interactions[iname][r][oname] = {st: s * self.weights[st] / ratio for st, s in zip(self.score_types, score)} # correct fa_rep for bonded for atomname, other_residue_index, other_atomname in self._get_connections(): # [(' C1 ', 59, ' SG '), # (' C2 ', 59, ' SG '), # (' H1 ', 59, ' SG '), # (' H2 ', 59, ' SG '), # (' C1 ', 59, ' CB '), # (' C1 ', 59, ' V1 ')] if atomname not in interactions: continue # virtual if other_atomname not in interactions[atomname][other_residue_index]: continue # virtual del interactions[atomname][other_residue_index][other_atomname] # reshape reshaped = {(target_atomname, other_resi, atomname): interactions[target_atomname][other_resi][atomname] for target_atomname in interactions for other_resi in interactions[target_atomname] for atomname in interactions[target_atomname][other_resi]} return reshaped def _get_neighbors(self) -> cc_sele = self.get_cc_selector() neighs = return neighs
[docs] def get_cc_selector(self): resi_sele = self.get_target_selector() cc_sele = cc_sele.central_residue_group_selector(resi_sele) cc_sele.threshold(self.threshold) return cc_sele
[docs] def get_target_selector(self): return
def _get_connections(self): residue = self.pose.residue(self.target_idx) for conn_id in range(1, residue.n_current_residue_connections() + 1): atomno = residue.residue_connect_atom_index(conn_id) atomname = residue.atom_name(atomno) adjecent_atomnos = residue.bonded_neighbor(atomno) other_residue_index = residue.residue_connection_partner(conn_id) other_residue = self.pose.residue(other_residue_index) other_atomname, other_atomno = self._get_other_connecting_atom(conn_id) other_adjecent_atomnos = other_residue.bonded_neighbor(other_atomno) return [(atomname, other_residue_index, other_atomname), ] + \ [(residue.atom_name(no), other_residue_index, other_atomname) for no in adjecent_atomnos] + \ [(atomname, other_residue_index, other_residue.atom_name(no)) for no in other_adjecent_atomnos] def _get_other_connecting_atom(self, conn_id) -> Tuple[str, int]: other_residue_index = self.target_residue.residue_connection_partner(conn_id) other_residue = self.pose.residue(other_residue_index) for other_conn_id in range(1, other_residue.n_current_residue_connections() + 1): if other_residue.residue_connection_partner(other_conn_id) == self.target_idx: other_atom_index = other_residue.residue_connect_atom_index(other_conn_id) return other_residue.atom_name(other_atom_index), other_atom_index else: raise ValueError('No connection found?!') @property def best_interactions(self): # dict is ordered... get_max = lambda k: max(map(abs, self.interactions[k].values())) return {k: self.interactions[k] for k in sorted(self.interactions, key=get_max, reverse=True) if get_max(k) >= self.term_relevance_cutoff}
[docs] def describe_atom(self, residue, atomname): atomno = residue.atom_index(atomname) atomtype = residue.atom_type(atomno) verdict = {'heavyatom': atomtype.is_heavyatom(), 'polar hydrogen': atomtype.is_polar_hydrogen(), 'H-acceptor': atomtype.is_acceptor(), 'H-donor': atomtype.is_donor(), 'aromatic': atomtype.is_aromatic()} return ', '.join([atomtype.atom_type_name(), atomtype.element()] + [k for k, v in verdict.items() if v])
[docs] def describe_interaction(self, target_atomname, other_resi, other_atomname): other_residue = self.pose.residue(other_resi) target_text = self.describe_atom(self.target_residue, target_atomname) other_text = self.describe_atom(other_residue, other_atomname) # [('fa_sol', 0.7810698032540209), ('fa_elec', 0.37053877404394236)] all_terms = self.interactions[target_atomname, other_resi, other_atomname] # sort & filter | > 0.25 | terms = sorted(filter(lambda t: abs(t[1]) >= self.term_relevance_cutoff, all_terms.items(), ), key=lambda t: -abs(t[1])) term_text = ' + '.join([f'{score_type} ({value:.1f} kcal/mol)' for score_type, value in terms]) return f'{self.target_idx}.{target_atomname.strip()} ({target_text}) - ' + \ f'{other_resi}.{other_atomname.strip()} ({other_text}) ' + \ term_text
[docs] def describe_best(self): return '\n'.join([self.describe_interaction(*k) for k in self.best_interactions])
@property def expected_total(self): self.scorefxn(self.pose) return self.scorefxn.get_sub_score(self.pose, self.get_target_selector().apply(self.pose)) @property def total(self): return sum([sum(d.values()) for d in self.interactions.values()])
[docs]class NeighbourInteractions(AtomicInteractions): # old name!
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn(f'`NeighbourInteractions` renamed to `AtomicInteractions`', DeprecationWarning) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)