Source code for pyrosetta_help.ligands.nick

import pyrosetta

    from rdkit_to_params import Params, neutralize
except ModuleNotFoundError:
except ImportError:
from typing import (Optional, Union, Dict, List)
from ..common_ops.downloads import download_pdb
from .load import parameterized_pose_from_file, parameterized_pose_from_pdbblock
from io import IOBase  # just for an isinstance fh
import warnings
from Bio.Align import PairwiseAligner

pr_rs =

[docs]def chain_letter_to_number(letter, pose): warnings.warn('this is a shitty interim way of going from letter to number...' + \ ' I am sure there"s a method somewhere that does this.') pdb_info = pose.pdb_info() for i in range(1, pose.num_chains() + 1): b = pose.chain_begin(i) if pdb_info.chain(b) == letter: return i else: raise ValueError
[docs]class LigandNicker: """ Given a pdb_file (regular initialisation) or code (``.from_pdbcode`` classmethod) and a list of 3-letter codes of wanted residues (``wanted_ligands`` argument), it loads it as Pyrosetta Pose (``donor_pose``), ready for ``migrate`` to loads the acceptor_pose and nick the residues that are wanted. If ``force_parameterisation`` is on it or the residue is novel it parameterises it. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pdb_filename: Optional[str] = None, pdb_filehandle: Optional[IOBase] = None, pdb_block: Optional[str] = None, pose: Optional[pyrosetta.Pose] = None, chain: str = 'A', wanted_ligands: List[str] = (), force_parameterisation: bool = False, neutralize_params: bool = True, save_params: bool = True, overriding_params=()): """ Initialisation loads the donor. ``migrate`` loads the acceptor. Unfortunately, I originally wrote it to use pdb_filename only. I should have written the init to accept a pose and a class method the filename. And now some chucks of out there in the wild use pdb_filename. So I could not switch it to something generic. Now it accepts four possible alternative choices: pdb_filename, pdb_filehandle, pdb_block, pose. :param pdb_filename: :param pdb_filehandle: :param pdb_block: :param pose: :param chain: :param wanted_ligands: :param force_parameterisation: :param neutralize_params: pH 7 protonation :param save_params: :param overriding_params: overide paramaterisation and use provide params """ self.donor_chain = chain assert len(wanted_ligands), 'No wanted_ligands specified' self.wanted_ligands = wanted_ligands self.extra_params = [] self.acceptor_pose = None # ---- rubbish overloading ------ self.pdb_filename = pdb_filename if pose: assert isinstance(pose, pyrosetta.Pose) and pose.total_residue() self.pdb_filename = '' self.donor_pose = pose elif pdb_filename: assert isinstance(pdb_filename, str) self.donor_pose = parameterized_pose_from_file(pdb_filename=pdb_filename, force_parameterisation=force_parameterisation, neutralize_params=neutralize_params, save_params=save_params, overriding_params=overriding_params) elif pdb_filehandle or pdb_block: if pdb_filehandle: assert isinstance(pdb_filehandle, IOBase) pdb_block = else: pass self.donor_pose = parameterized_pose_from_pdbblock(pdbblock=pdb_block, force_parameterisation=force_parameterisation, neutralize_params=neutralize_params, save_params=save_params, overriding_params=overriding_params ) else: raise TypeError(f'Please provide with one of pdb_filename, pdb_filehandle, pdb_block, pose')
[docs] @classmethod def from_pdbcode(cls, pdb_code: str, chain: str, *args, **kvargs): pdb_filename = download_pdb(pdb_code) return cls(pdb_filename=pdb_filename, chain=chain, *args, **kvargs)
[docs] def migrate(self, acceptor_pose: pyrosetta.Pose, acceptor_chain: str = 'A', constrained: bool = True, relaxed: bool = True, relax_radius: int = 20, relax_cycles: int = 3): """ The acceptor pose is the non-empty pose. This method aligns the sequences of the acceptor and donor pose. It finds the mapping of the neighbourhood of the wanted residues of the donor_pose It superimposes the poses by those residues. It adds the residues that need nicking. It adds constraints (optionally) based on the hydrogen bonding of the residues around the wanted residues. onto the ``.acceptor_pose``. To check: >>> print( len(self.acceptor_pose.constraint_set().get_all_constraints()) ) It then optionally relaxes the neighbourhood. :param acceptor_pose: :param acceptor_chain: :param constrained: :param relaxed: :param relax_radius: :param relax_cycles: :return: """ # store self.acceptor_pose = acceptor_pose self.acceptor_chain = acceptor_chain # get wanted residues wanted_selector = self.get_wanted_selector() donor_neighbors = self.get_surrounding_residue(self.donor_pose, self.donor_chain, wanted_selector) # get the neighbouring residues & superpose w/ them dex = self.get_mapping_between_poses(donor_neighbors) mapping = self.make_atomID_map(dex, self.donor_pose, self.acceptor_pose) pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.superimpose_pose(self.donor_pose, self.acceptor_pose, mapping) wanted_vector = wanted_selector.apply(self.donor_pose) # append the ligands. n nucleotides have issues with the grafting command. # hence this way. added_indices = [] for r in pr_rs.ResidueVector(wanted_vector): r2 = self.acceptor_pose.total_residue() + 1 dex[r] = r2 added_indices.append(r2) # append_subpose_to_pose is cool with novel residues. pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.append_subpose_to_pose(self.acceptor_pose, self.donor_pose, r, r, True) # make selector of newly added residues self.added_selector = pr_rs.ResidueIndexSelector() for r in added_indices: self.added_selector.append_index(r) # constrain if constrained: self.constrain_migrated(wanted_vector, dex) # relax if relaxed: self.relax_migrated(distance=relax_radius, cycles=relax_cycles)
# ---- migrate dependent methods
[docs] def get_wanted_selector(self): # select the ligands that are wanted. # set_residue_names does not like custom residue types. wanted_ligands = {c.rjust(3) for c in self.wanted_ligands} # ResidueNameSelector seems to not like custom residues if they arent in the pose try: resn_sele = pr_rs.ResidueNameSelector() resn_sele.set_residue_name3(','.join(wanted_ligands)) resn_sele.apply(self.donor_pose) except RuntimeError as err: raise ValueError(f'Residue not in the pose. {err}') # end of shitty hack. # filter for those within 3A of chain of interest # define extended neighbours chain_sele = cc_sele = cc_sele.central_residue_group_selector(chain_sele) cc_sele.threshold(3) # intersection: and_sele =, resn_sele) return and_sele
[docs] def get_surrounding_residue(self, pose, chain_filter, wanted_selector): cc_sele = cc_sele.central_residue_group_selector(wanted_selector) cc_sele.threshold(3) prop_sele = pr_rs.ResiduePropertySelector() prop_sele.add_property(pyrosetta.rosetta.core.chemical.ResidueProperty.ALPHA_AA) neigh_sele = pr_rs.AndResidueSelector(prop_sele, cc_sele) neigh_vector = neigh_sele.apply(pose) pdb_info = pose.pdb_info() rs = pr_rs.ResidueVector(neigh_vector) neigh_resis = [r for r in rs if pdb_info.chain(r) == chain_filter] return neigh_resis # these are the pose indices
def _make_map(self, al, pose_offset=0): """ pose index (fortran-style) to MSA index (C++-style) Returns a dictionary of key = offset + ungapped index (zero-indexed) to msa index (zero-indexed) :param al: :param pose_offset: :return: """ gap_map = [i for i, r in enumerate(al) if r != '-'] return {pose_offset + ungap_i: gap_i for ungap_i, gap_i in enumerate(gap_map)}
[docs] def get_mapping_between_poses(self, index_list: List[int]) -> Dict[int, int]: """ Given a list of indices for one pose, return their aligned equivalents in the second. Modded to be donor_pose --> acceptor_pose """ acc_ch_idx = chain_letter_to_number(self.acceptor_chain, self.acceptor_pose) don_ch_idx = chain_letter_to_number(self.donor_chain, self.donor_pose) acc_seq = self.acceptor_pose.chain_sequence(acc_ch_idx) don_seq = self.donor_pose.chain_sequence(don_ch_idx) aligner = PairwiseAligner() aligner.open_gap_score = -1 # open aligner.extend_gap_score = -0.1 # extend alignment = aligner.align(acc_seq, don_seq)[0] alignment_parts = { 'target': alignment.aligned[0], # Aligned positions in acceptor 'template': alignment.aligned[1], # Aligned positions in donor 'score': alignment.score, 'begin': alignment.path[0][0], 'end': alignment.path[-1][0] } donor_pose_to_msa_mapping = self._make_map(alignment_parts['template'], self.donor_pose.chain_begin(don_ch_idx)) acceptor_pose_to_msa_mapping = self._make_map(alignment_parts['target'], self.acceptor_pose.chain_begin(acc_ch_idx)) msa_to_acceptor_pose_mapping = dict(zip(acceptor_pose_to_msa_mapping.values(), acceptor_pose_to_msa_mapping.keys())) mapping = {} for r in index_list: msa_i = donor_pose_to_msa_mapping[r] trans = msa_to_acceptor_pose_mapping[msa_i] # print(r, self.donor_pose.residue(r).name1(), # msa_i, alignments['template'][msa_i], # trans, self.acceptor_pose.residue(trans).name1() ) mapping[r] = trans return mapping
[docs] def make_atomID_map(self, dex, query_pose, target_pose): mapping = pyrosetta.rosetta.std.map_core_id_AtomID_core_id_AtomID() get_id = lambda pose, r, atomname: pyrosetta.AtomID(atomno_in=pose.residue(r).atom_index(atomname), rsd_in=r) for q, t in dex.items(): for atomname in ('CA',): mapping[get_id(query_pose, q, atomname)] = get_id(target_pose, t, atomname) return mapping
[docs] def constrain_migrated(self, wanted_vector, dex): hbond_set = self.donor_pose.get_hbonds() wanted_indices = pr_rs.ResidueVector(wanted_vector) for hbond in hbond_set.hbonds(): if hbond.don_res() in wanted_indices or hbond.acc_res() in wanted_indices: con = self.make_constraint_foreign_hbond(hbond, dex) if con: self.acceptor_pose.add_constraint(con)
[docs] def make_constraint_foreign_hbond(self, hbond, dex: Dict[int, int]) \ -> Union[None, pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.constraints.AtomPairConstraint]: # acc = hydrogen acceptor residue w/Acceptor atom # don = donor residue w/ Bounded and Hydrogen atoms. # ------------- sort out donor ------------- don_res = hbond.don_res() don = self.donor_pose.residue(don_res) if don_res not in dex: warnings.warn( f'The H-bond–donor residue in the donor pose has residue {don_res} with no equivalent - why was it absent in CC selector?') return trans_don_res = dex[don_res] # acceptor_pose trans_don = self.acceptor_pose.residue(trans_don_res) don_name3 = don.name3() trans_don_name3 = trans_don.name3() if not hbond.don_hatm_is_backbone() and don_name3 != trans_don_name3: return # skip as it is a sidechain Hbond of a changed residue. elif not hbond.don_hatm_is_backbone() and don_name3 == 'HIS': return # avoiding HID vs HIE pain don_atomname = don.atom_name(hbond.don_hatm()) donor_atom = pyrosetta.AtomID(atomno_in=trans_don.atom_index(don_atomname), rsd_in=trans_don_res) # ------------- sort out acceptor ------------- acc_res = hbond.acc_res() acc = self.donor_pose.residue(acc_res) trans_acc_res = dex[acc_res] # acceptor_pose acc_name3 = acc.name3() trans_acc = self.acceptor_pose.residue(trans_acc_res) trans_acc_name3 = trans_acc.name3() if not hbond.acc_atm_is_backbone() and acc_name3 != trans_acc_name3: return # skip as it is a sidechain Hbond of a changed residue. elif not hbond.acc_atm_is_backbone() and acc_name3 == 'HIS': return # avoiding HID vs HIE pain acc_atomname = acc.atom_name(hbond.acc_atm()) acceptor_atom = pyrosetta.AtomID(atomno_in=trans_acc.atom_index(acc_atomname), rsd_in=trans_acc_res) # ------------- make constraint ------------- HarmonicFunc = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.HarmonicFunc AtomPairConstraint = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.constraints.AtomPairConstraint d = hbond.get_HAdist(self.donor_pose) return AtomPairConstraint(donor_atom, acceptor_atom, HarmonicFunc(x0_in=d, sd_in=0.2))
[docs] def relax_migrated(self, distance: int = 20, cycles: int = 3, atom_pair_weight: int = 5): scorefxn = pyrosetta.get_fa_scorefxn() atom_pair = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType.atom_pair_constraint scorefxn.set_weight(atom_pair, atom_pair_weight) neigh_sele = pr_rs.NeighborhoodResidueSelector(self.added_selector, distance=distance, include_focus_in_subset=True) movemap = pyrosetta.MoveMap() n = neigh_sele.apply(self.acceptor_pose) movemap.set_bb(allow_bb=n) movemap.set_chi(allow_chi=n) ft = self.acceptor_pose.fold_tree() for r in pr_rs.ResidueVector(self.added_selector.apply(self.acceptor_pose)): j = ft.get_jump_that_builds_residue(r) movemap.set_jump(j, True) relax = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.relax.FastRelax(scorefxn, cycles) relax.set_movemap_disables_packing_of_fixed_chi_positions(True) relax.set_movemap(movemap) relax.apply(self.acceptor_pose)