Source code for pyrosetta_help.alphafold.superimpose

__all__ = ['superimpose_by_pLDDT']

# ============= pLDDT superimposition ======================================
# modified from
import difflib
import pyrosetta
from pyrosetta.rosetta.std import map_core_id_AtomID_core_id_AtomID
from import AtomID

def paired_residue_inds(a: pyrosetta.Pose, b: pyrosetta.Pose):
    """Get paired indicies of common residues in two structures."""
    aseq = a.sequence()
    bseq = b.sequence()
    astart, bstart, align_len = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=aseq, b=bseq).find_longest_match(0, len(aseq), 0, len(bseq))
    return [(astart + i, bstart + i) for i in range(align_len)]

[docs]def superimpose_by_pLDDT(pose: pyrosetta.Pose, original: pyrosetta.Pose, cutoff=70, pose_range=None) -> map_core_id_AtomID_core_id_AtomID: """ Superimpose two poses, based on residues with pLDDT above a given threshold. :param pose: :param original: :param cutoff: % :param pose_range: optional argument to subset (start:int, end:int) :return: """ ca_map = map_core_id_AtomID_core_id_AtomID() for w, a in paired_residue_inds(pose, original): if original.pdb_info().bfactor(a + 1, 1) <= cutoff: continue if pose_range is not None and (w < pose_range[0] or w > pose_range[1]): continue ca_map[AtomID(pose.residue(w + 1).atom_index("CA"), w + 1)] = AtomID( original.residue(a + 1).atom_index("CA"), a + 1 ) assert len(ca_map), 'No atoms greater than cutoff' pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.superimpose_pose(pose, original, ca_map) return ca_map