Source code for pyrosetta_help.alphafold.multimodel

__all__ = ['AF2NotebookAnalyser']

import json
import os
import re
from typing import (Optional, Dict, List, Sequence)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyrosetta

pr_rs =
from .retrieval import reshape_errors
from .constraints import add_pae_constraints, add_interchain_pae_constraints
from ..common_ops import pose_from_file
import pickle, warnings
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]class AF2NotebookAnalyser: """ This class features heavily in the notebook ``colab-pyrosetta-dimer.ipynb`` It allows the analysis of the results of the AF2 protocol for a dimer. Namely, ``.sidechain_relax`` .. code-block:: python analyser = ph.AF2NotebookAnalyser(folder=folder_name, load_poses=True) analyser.sidechain_relax(cycles) analyser.constrain(tolerance=2) analyser.relax(cycles) analyser.calculate_interface() score: pd.DataFrame = analyser.scores The ``.scores`` attribute is a pandas DataFrame generated by ``.make_AF2_dataframe`` One can also make a phosphorylated model .. code-block:: python pdb_ptms = analyser.parse_phosphosite(raw, maximum=analyser.original_poses[1].chain_end(1)) analyser.make_phosphorylated(pdb_ptms, chain, cycles) To access specific poses the following attributes are available: .. code-block:: python print(analyser.pose_groupnames) # ['relaxed', 'original', 'phospho'] analyser.original_poses[i] analyser.relaxed_poses[i] analyser.phospho_poses[i] """
[docs] def __init__(self, folder: str, load_poses: bool = True): self.folder = folder self.scores: pd.DataFrame = self.make_AF2_dataframe() self._add_settings() self.relaxed_poses = dict() self.original_poses = dict() self.phospho_poses = dict() self.pose_groupnames = ['relaxed', 'original', 'phospho'] if load_poses: self.original_poses = self.get_poses() self.errors = self.get_errors()
@property def poses(self): # to alter change pose_groupnames and add the required *_poses attributes, I guess. return {groupname: getattr(self, groupname + '_poses') for groupname in self.pose_groupnames}
[docs] def make_AF2_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Given a folder form ColabsFold return a dictionary with key rank index and value a dictionary of details This is convoluted, but it may have been altered by a human. """ filenames = os.listdir(self.folder) # group files ranked_filenames = {} for filename in filenames: if not'rank_\d+.*\.pdb', filename): continue # kcc2dimer_42460_unrelaxed_rank_1_model_5.pdb # rex = re.match('rank_(\d+)_model_(\d+).*seed_(\d+)(.*)\.pdb', filename) rex ='(?P<name>.*)_(?P<seed>\d+)_(?P<state>\w+)_rank_(?P<rank>\d+)_model_(?P<model>\d+)\.pdb', filename) name ='name') state = 'unrelaxed' not in'state') rank = int('rank')) model = int('model')) seed = int('seed')) if rank in ranked_filenames and ranked_filenames[rank]['relaxed']: continue data = dict(name=filename, path=os.path.join(self.folder, filename), rank=rank, model=model, seed=seed, relaxed=state ) ranked_filenames[rank] = data # make dataframe return pd.DataFrame(list(ranked_filenames.values()))
def _add_settings(self): # add data from settings. pLDDTs = {} pTMscores = {} settings_filename = os.path.join(self.folder, 'settings.txt') if not os.path.exists(settings_filename): warnings.warn(f'{settings_filename} missing!') self.scores['pLDDT'] = self.scores['rank'].apply(lambda r: 100) self.scores['pTMscore'] = self.scores['rank'].apply(lambda r: 100) with open(settings_filename, 'r') as fh: for match in re.findall('rank_(\d+).*pLDDT\:(\d+\.\d+)\ pTMscore:(\d+\.\d+)', pLDDTs[int(match[0])] = float(match[1]) pTMscores[int(match[0])] = float(match[2]) self.scores['pLDDT'] = self.scores['rank'].map(pLDDTs) self.scores['pTMscore'] = self.scores['rank'].map(pTMscores)
[docs] def get_poses(self) -> Dict[int, pyrosetta.Pose]: """ This used to be a ``pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_pose_Pose`` but it turns out that the getitem of ``vector1_core_pose_Pose`` returns a clone of the pose, not the pose itself. :return: """ # poses = pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_core_pose_Pose(len(self.scores)) poses = dict() for i, row in self.scores.iterrows(): poses[row['rank']] = pyrosetta.pose_from_file(row['path']) return poses
[docs] def get_errors(self) -> dict: """ The errors are the result of reshaping via ``ph.reshape_errors`` :return: """ errors = dict() for i, row in self.scores.iterrows(): filename = row['path'].replace('.pdb', '_scores.json') # .replace('_unrelaxed', '_pae') \ # .replace('_relaxed', '_pae') # kcc2dimer_42460_unrelaxed_rank_1_model_5_scores.json with open(filename, 'r') as fh: errors[row['rank']] = np.array(json.load(fh)['pae']) return errors
def _generator_poses(self, groupname: str = 'relaxed'): """ :return: rank integer, pose, error dictionary """ assert len(self.poses[groupname]), f'The group {groupname} is not loaded' return ((index, self.poses[groupname][index], self.errors[index]) for index in self.errors)
[docs] def constrain(self, groupname: str = 'relaxed', **add_pae_constraints_arguments): """ Calls the ``add_pae_constraints`` and ``add_interchain_pae_constraints`` functions on each pose in the group. :param groupname: :param add_pae_constraints_arguments: :return: """ if len(self.original_poses) == 0: raise ValueError('Load poses first.') for index, pose, error in self._generator_poses(groupname): add_pae_constraints(pose, error, **add_pae_constraints_arguments) add_interchain_pae_constraints(pose, error, cutoff=15)
[docs] def sidechain_relax(self, cycles: int = 5): """ This is a prelude to full relaxation. This is relaxes only the sidechains, which if strained or clashing may result in the whole pose blowing up. :param cycles: cycles of FastRelax :return: """ vanilla_scorefxn = pyrosetta.get_fa_scorefxn() ap_st = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType.atom_pair_constraint vanilla_scorefxn.set_weight(ap_st, 0) movemap = pyrosetta.MoveMap() movemap.set_bb(False) movemap.set_chi(True) chirelax = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.relax.FastRelax(vanilla_scorefxn, cycles) chirelax.set_movemap(movemap) for index, pose, error in self._generator_poses('original'): if index not in self.relaxed_poses: self.relaxed_poses[index] = pose.clone() chirelax.apply(self.relaxed_poses[index])
[docs] def relax(self, cycles: int = 3): """ This does backbone and sidechain relaxation. For only sidechain relaxation, use ``.sidechain_relax``. :param cycles: :return: """ if self.original_poses is None: raise ValueError('Load poses first.') scorefxn = pyrosetta.get_fa_scorefxn() ap_st = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType.atom_pair_constraint scorefxn.set_weight(ap_st, 1) for index, pose, error in self._generator_poses('original'): if index not in self.relaxed_poses: self.relaxed_poses[index] = pose.clone() relax = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.relax.FastRelax(scorefxn, cycles) movemap = pyrosetta.MoveMap() movemap.set_bb(True) movemap.set_chi(True) movemap.set_jump(True) relax.set_movemap(movemap) relax.apply(self.relaxed_poses[index]) # Add dG scorefxn.set_weight(ap_st, 0) self.scores['dG'] = self.scores['rank'].apply(lambda rank: scorefxn(self.relaxed_poses[rank]))
[docs] def constrain_and_relax(self, cycles: int = 3): """ Adds constraints and relaxes the poses. """ self.sidechain_relax() self.constrain() self.relax(cycles)
[docs] def calculate_interface(self, interface='A_B'): """ Calculates the interface strength between the two chains. It does a median of the pLDDT scores of the interface residues. :param interface: A Rosetta format string for the description of the interface, e.g. 'A_B' :return: """ medians: Dict[int, float] = self.get_median_interface_bfactors() # bfactor = pLDDT # interface score. if 'dG' not in self.scores: return newdata = [] for rank in self.scores['rank']: ia = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.analysis.InterfaceAnalyzerMover(interface) ia.apply(self.relaxed_poses[rank]) newdata.append({'median_interface_pLDDT': medians[rank], 'complex_energy': ia.get_complex_energy(), 'separated_interface_energy': ia.get_separated_interface_energy(), 'complexed_sasa': ia.get_complexed_sasa(), 'crossterm_interface_energy': ia.get_crossterm_interface_energy(), 'interface_dG': ia.get_interface_dG(), 'interface_delta_sasa': ia.get_interface_delta_sasa()}) # adding multiple columns, hence why not apply route. # the order is not chanced, so all good newdata = pd.DataFrame(newdata) for column in newdata.columns: self.scores[column] = newdata[column]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _parse_folder_argument(self, folder): if folder and not os.path.exists(folder): # user specified non existant folder. os.mkdir(folder) return folder elif folder: return folder else: # use original folder. return self.folder
[docs] def dump_pdbs(self, groupname: str = 'relaxed', folder: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = ''): """ Save in the format ``f'{prefix}rank_{index}_pyrosetta_{groupname}.pdb'``. """ for index, pose, error in self._generator_poses(groupname): folder = self._parse_folder_argument(folder) path = os.path.join(folder, f'{prefix}rank_{index}_pyrosetta_{groupname}.pdb') pose.dump_pdb(path)
[docs] def dump(self, folder: Optional[str] = None): """ Saves ALL the pdbs (via ``dump_pdbs``) and the errors. """ folder = self._parse_folder_argument(folder) self.scores.to_csv(os.path.join(folder, 'scores.csv')) self.dump_pdbs(folder=folder) with open(os.path.join(folder, 'errors.p', 'w')) as fh: pickle.dump(self.errors, fh) for groupname in self.poses: if len(self.poses[groupname]) != 0: self.dump_pdbs(groupname=groupname, folder=folder)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, folder: str, load_poses=False, params=()): """ Loads the poses (from PDB files), scores and errors from the folder. :return: """ self = cls(folder=folder, load_poses=load_poses) self.scores = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder, 'scores.csv'), index_col=0) valids = [filename for filename in os.listdir(folder) if '.pdb' in filename] ranker = lambda filename: int('rank(\d+)\.pdb', filename).group(1)) self.relaxed_poses = {ranker(filename): pose_from_file(filename, params) for filename in valids} with open(os.path.join(folder, 'errors.p', 'r')) as fh: self.errors = pickle.load(fh) return self
# ----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_interactions(self, pose: pyrosetta.Pose, chain_id: int, threshold: float = 3.) -> pr_rs.ResidueVector: """ Get the sequence of pose residue indices that are within the threshold distance of the chain_id. """ chain_sele = pr_rs.ChainSelector(chain_id) other_chains_sele = pr_rs.NotResidueSelector(chain_sele) cc_sele = pr_rs.CloseContactResidueSelector() cc_sele.central_residue_group_selector(other_chains_sele) cc_sele.threshold(float(threshold)) other_cc_sele = pr_rs.AndResidueSelector(chain_sele, cc_sele) return pr_rs.ResidueVector(other_cc_sele.apply(pose))
[docs] def find_interface_residues(self): """ Calls ``get_interactions`` for each pose and saves the result in the ``scores`` dataframe. """ if 'N_interchain_residues_1' in self.scores: return # already run assert self.relaxed_poses, 'No poses loaded yet!' assert self.relaxed_poses[1].num_chains() > 1, 'Single chain!' self.scores['interchain_residues_1'] = self.scores['rank'].apply( lambda rank: self.get_interactions(self.relaxed_poses[rank], 1)) self.scores['interchain_residues_2'] = self.scores['rank'].apply( lambda rank: self.get_interactions(self.relaxed_poses[rank], 2)) self.scores['N_interchain_residues_1'] = self.scores['interchain_residues_1'].apply(len) self.scores['N_interchain_residues_2'] = self.scores['interchain_residues_2'].apply(len)
def _get_median_interface_bfactor(self, pose, residues: Sequence[int]) -> float: """ Not bfactor but pLDDT score. """ pbd_info = pose.pdb_info() bfactors = [pbd_info.bfactor(r, pose.residue(r).atom_index('CA')) for r in residues] return np.median(bfactors)
[docs] def get_median_interface_bfactors(self) -> Dict[int, float]: """ "bfactors" aren't actually bfactors, but pLDDT values. Based on what are the residues identified with ``find_interface_residues`` in calculates the median pLDDT of these. """ self.find_interface_residues() medians = {} for i, row in self.scores.iterrows(): residues = list(row.interchain_residues_1) + list(row.interchain_residues_2) # ``row.rank`` is a method, just like the attribute ```` so the attribute way is not okay here: pose = self.relaxed_poses[row['rank']] medians[row['rank']] = self._get_median_interface_bfactor(pose, residues) return medians
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[docs] @classmethod def parse_phosphosite(cls, raw: str, minimum: int = 1, maximum: int = -1): """ A rubbish method to convert copy-pasted Phosphosite web table. :param raw: :param minimum: :param maximum: :return: """ if maximum < 1: maximum = float('nan') assert '-p' in raw, f'Is this what you wanted in your clipboard: {raw}' ptms = defaultdict(list) for resn, resi, mod in re.findall('(\w)(\d+)\-(\w+)', raw): if int(resi) < minimum or int(resi) > maximum: continue ptms[mod].append(int(resi)) return ptms
def _apply_patch(self, pose, patch, residues, restriction=None): MutateResidue = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.simple_moves.MutateResidue valids = [] for r in residues: if r == 0: continue # missing present_res = pose.residue(r).name3() new_res = f"{present_res.upper()}:{patch}" if restriction is not None and present_res.upper() != restriction.upper(): continue MutateResidue(target=r, new_res=new_res).apply(pose) valids.append(r) return valids def _phospho_pose(self, pose, scorefxn, cycles=3, **modifications): valids = [] for ptm, residues in modifications.items(): if ptm == 'ub': continue # What is a proxy for ubiquitination?? elif ptm == 'p': v = self._apply_patch(pose, patch='phosphorylated', residues=residues) valids.extend(v) elif ptm == 'ac': v = self._apply_patch(pose, patch='acetylated', residues=residues) valids.extend(v) elif ptm == 'm1': v = self._apply_patch(pose, patch='monomethylated', residues=residues, restriction='LYS') # monomethylarginine (NMM) will segfault valids.extend(v) elif ptm == 'm2': v = self._apply_patch(pose, patch='dimethylated', residues=residues, restriction='LYS') # dimethylarginine (DA2) will segfault valids.extend(v) elif ptm == 'm3': v = self._apply_patch(pose, patch='trimethylated', residues=residues, restriction='LYS') # is trimethylarginine a thing? valids.extend(v) else: continue # no Gal # raise ValueError(f'What is {ptm}?') # minimise resi_sele = for r in valids: resi_sele.append_index(r) if len(valids) == 0: return valids neigh_sele =, 7, True) neighbor_vector = neigh_sele.apply(pose) relax = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.relax.FastRelax(scorefxn, cycles) movemap = pyrosetta.MoveMap() movemap.set_bb(neighbor_vector) movemap.set_chi(neighbor_vector) relax.set_movemap(movemap) relax.apply(pose) return valids
[docs] def make_phosphorylated(self, pdb_ptms: dict, chain: str = 'A', cycles: int = 3): """ Make a phosphorylated pose from the dictionary of Phoshositeplus annotations (see ``parse_phosphosite``) """ # convert PTM to pose pdb_info = self.original_poses[1].pdb_info() convert = lambda pdb_residues: [pdb_info.pdb2pose(res=r, chain=chain) for r in pdb_residues] ptms = {k: convert(pdb_residues) for k, pdb_residues in pdb_ptms.items()} # scorefunction scorefxn = pyrosetta.get_fa_scorefxn() ap_st = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType.atom_pair_constraint scorefxn.set_weight(ap_st, 1) for index, pose, error in self._generator_poses('relaxed'): self.phospho_poses[index] = pose.clone() self._phospho_pose(self.phospho_poses[index], scorefxn, cycles=cycles, **ptms)